
Art Box Saves The Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 2, 2024

The first big announcement is that it was air conditioner time here in Decatur Alabama. Even THE OFM's bald head was crying for it. So we had AC running nearly all day inside the Castle.

We are glad the electric is hidden in the monthly bill for the campsite. We pay $580 a month for all services here. Since we are talking about the campground, it is part of the large Point Mallard Park mess. Over all it is a pretty nice place to stay. The city has one ???? rule. Every 179 days you have to move out of your site for a night. Your stuff on your site can stay the night but your rig must move. They make it pretty easy and most of us just move the rig to a supplied to us site in the short term area sites. They time the moves so when there is a vacancy in short term you get it for no extra charge for the night. The next morning you just roll on back to your previous site.

Here is our upcoming site 32 that will be home April 4.

This was a day of maintenance on the Castle.

For the many folks that think Rving is all fun and no work, we guarantee you having any type of RV will keep you doing things that need repair, maintenance or replacement pretty much all the time. Our latest event was during a rainstorm a few days ago, a small leak showed up near the front window inside. So today was a nice pretty day for leak tracking and repair.

It only took about four hours for the whole repair event. It appeared some old caulk, cracked and started falling out of a window joint. The Castle is 19 years old this year with around 125000 miles of fun and games on it. We think we found the trouble spot, but while cleaning that spot about three feet of old original caulk fell apart under the tooth brush we were using to clean the dirt and algae from the spot. So now that joint is probably good for until the OFM passes on in 10-12 years.

But it was not all work since the OFM worked on his latest art effort for a few hours also. He decided he wanted to do a special effect on the painting that required a special long skinny brush. The OFM did not remember having the correct brush so we were getting ready to hit up HOBBY LOBBY for a new brush. Suddenly the OFM recalled a plastic bag at the bottom of the ART BOX that had brushes in it. He dug his way to the bottom and there it was, a bag with a few brushes. And in the pile was an exactly correct brush for the job at hand. It made The OFM wonder if he has already tried this new technique before.

Now we are ready to try that new technique tomorrow.

But until then we are going to work really hard at trying to have toooooooooo much fun.

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