
Finally Options Defined We Hope


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 13, 2024

We get to have a supper report first. Supper was chicken stoup with Sweet Red BBQ sauce from Lawler's added while heating it for great nutrition and flavor. Cheap Root Beer for our charming refreshment.

We did a nice amount of strolling gently today visiting folks who were out and about doing varied things. It was a nice long stroll of about a mile around in the campground. The OFM knees really appreciated the gentle stroll today.

Most folks are getting prepared for loads of family visitors for the Memorial Day weekend. The OFM family will be on vacation down in Florida for the Memorial weekend.

We started to organize the groceries we bought yesterday. And clean out excess from the fridge to make room for our fancy cooking spree to make good use of the food we have already,

Here is a large breast and a couple smaller parts of a chicken thawing to become cubed chicken to be served as part of a couple of varieties of chicken salads we plan to enjoy soon.

And an exciting date was chosen today. After a bunch of considering etc it seems that our current target date to roll is September 15 and our rolling target area is west of the Mississippi River. Our likely first camp will be the free I-20 Rest Area just east of Jackson Ms. Then next is Martin Creek State Park about 40 miles inside Texas. From that nice park we have 180 degrees of west to choose from for a great target of travel.

It has been a long time since we rolled the last time and it feels sort of odd to actually make fairly firm plans.

Now it is time to kick back and relax with the computer as we sort through options for this Fall traveling westward. It is nice to feel some excitement for a change.


  1. Have fun with your planning. I'll be leaving on my summer trip on June 1st. I have reservations at a dozen or so campgrounds so far. I'll be getting back home about the time you hit the road in September. Be safe out there, but have fun.

    1. Thank you. Good luck Darrell. July starts my active grand kids events and that all winds down by early Sept.

  2. Hi Barney, that sounds like a good plan, I plan on rolling about that same time. Now time to plan and prepare as it will be here before we know it.

  3. Always nice planning for future travels. In the meantime enjoy having tooooo much fun with the grands.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.
