
Just Wiggling On Along


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 21, 2024

Well the left foot did not give any trouble today but both hips were aching while walking. But we got in a bit over two miles to make it a successful morning.

Late this after noon the order from Amazon that was the screwed up delivery through UPS that we expected to have to get a refund for suddenly showed up to be delivered this afternoon. And it showed up in good shape about 1600. So that worked out decently after all.

Another silly ooops was forgetting to put the memory card in the camera before taking the walk.

How about some good news. The laundry here in the campground has five washers and five dryers and normally stay real busy from early morning to late at night. The OFM carried the basket of dirty clothes to the laundry room early afternoon since there was nearly no traffic in the campground. We were the only ones there. The washer ran fine and still no folks there. So the dryer was filled and ran just fine. About ten minutes before our dryer was finished a fellow came in and started his washing. We chatted for a few minutes a went on our separate ways. Our dryer finished and we grabbed our stuff and walked back to the Castle and put things in their proper places. Catching machines that easily ready to use is not normal considering we have about 200 campsites in the campground just before a big weekend. Maybe we should have bought a Lotto ticket too. And the hip pains went away in early afternoon. That is nice for sure. And to top it off tomorrow is the last day of school for the summer. So the two month summer school vacation starts the next day and we bet the action around here will get more more intense in a hurry. We hope to stay out of the way for the most part.

Our plan for tomorrow is to sit back out of the way and watch the world slide on past.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better so you can start having tooooo much fun with the grands.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
