
Exercise Change Experiment Coming


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 12, 2024

First tonight is the great news that we purchased regular gas this morning for $2.959 a gallon at the little Walmart as it is called around here. AND there were no lines when we got there. From the pumps to the store parking was only a few yards and we went in to hit the fresh vegetables first thing.

We have been needing something crunchy to crunch on and they were just unloading freshly arrived celery. Into the basket with a stalk? Went. In fact the whole fresh produce was getting their fresh supply in this morning.

The green bell peppers were on the medium size but really smelled great and really firm. Yep one of them. The green stem onions (forgot their name) hopped aboard. Then a fresh bag of salad mix joined the crowd. Then we had to stop on the vegetables since that was already more than a weeks worth. With the things already at home we were drooling all over ourself already.

Even though we had the camera with us all day nothing worth a photo came up so no new pics tonight.

How about some walking talking then? We learned years ago in our early sixties that there usually comes a time when most runners, like the OFM used to be, have to quit motivating along with both feet off the ground like runners do. The leg and hip joints normally will not handle it after the late sixties or early seventies with out lots of recuperation between runs. So we begin to speed walk like the OFM does now.

Now the OFM has been battling with hip and knee light pain for the last year. So as of today we have given up on speed walking. The OLD fat man does not recover fast enough from speed walking. So we are going to be experimenting with speeds and distance to see where we are in our aging so we can keep on exercising to keep healthy enough to be writing this blog at least 15 more years. How does that sound for an OLD man?

We will need awhile to sort our new needed changes out. At the same time school will be out for the summer in a couple of weeks and the family crowds will be hitting the campgrounds and roads so we likely will be here until early September (15) before we get to roam. Perhaps all the changes that have been happening and holding us back will be under better control. The westerly temps will definitely be better then. Any way we are still planning on being on the road again this year. One good thing this is a very nice area to be stuck in while trying to get your life better organized.


  1. Here's something to think about for fall...I have no clue about the cost/amenities of state park campgrounds in TX, , but here are 3 reviewed by these travelers....2 of which might be off your usual path...(or not, maybe you've been to all of them) https://runningk-r.blogspot.com/

  2. OK I have been remembering. Brownwood is still on my to visit list. Fort Richardson was a quick drive through about thirty years ago. Palo Duro has received a good bit of mountain hiking, biking and general fun having for several visits in the last forty years. If I recall correctly Palo Duro SP is the north end of the canyon and Caprock SP is the south end of the canyon and each is distinctly different in fun available. It has been at least 40 years since my last visits out there. Texas SPs are in general moderate priced with decent facilities.

  3. Have you ever thought about looking for a park model in the area? Seems like something is always coming up to keep you from rolling anyway. It is always good to go out at the top of the game.

    1. Actually I have been looking at housing smaller than I live in now. All the park models I have seen are way to big for my needs.
