
More Walking Testing


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 15, 2024

The walk report first. A couple of things showed up in today's effort. We took the gravel dirt hike and bike path to test that surface against the paced surface. It made no difference on the 2.1 mile walk today. Now we know about that. The OFM did a, as it turned out, VERY short test jogging gently. With in just a few feet one knee and hip screamed out with great vigor STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. So we did. Next we gave a test of walking very fast. That went just fine without pains. This seemed to be very conclusive testing that walking with one foot on the ground at all times is the solution for us. We tried more fast aerobic walking and had no pain from it. So it is decided that fast aerobic walking is fine for us to do. This has been a good test that showed very plainly what mode we need to use for aerobic exercise in our later years. We appreciate the quick solution since we expected it to take a few weeks of trying stuff out to get to the best solution for our particular inabilities.

Along the trail is an old stump that for last couple of years we refer to as Pancake Stump because it always seems to have pancakes growing on it.

They look very good for the first couple of days. However we have not harvested any for breakfast.

Along the trail this morning but way up a slough where we cannot get to was a bright almost neon white egret hunting. It looked like it would make a nice photo but the OFM had to zoom to the max and then stand without anything to lean on to take the picture.

Shooting this shot at around 75 yards was difficult and this was the best he could. The OFM is definitely not like the Boondork is. You can enjoy his blog over at http://www.theboondork.com/mainphp .

And our other adventure was once again tackling a new leak in the front wall of the Castle. We found a crack in some caulk at the roof line that we hope is the culprit. The next rain storms will let us know if that was the guilty spot. We were lucky that we could barely reach the spot from our ladder while leaning on the Castle. Time will tell if we did good or not.

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