
The Local Jungle


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 8, 2024

Wow, having AC that works well and correctly is really wonderful. The OFM rolled out of bed hoping for an exciting day. It wasn't. But it was a nice day for the achy jointed OFM. After breakfast the OFM decided to get in a short gentle walk along the perimeter of part of the campground. We had forgotten what the surrounding forest looked like during growing season. It is a messy jungle. See the pic.

But as the OFM loosened up we kept on walking on the paved path that goes around the golf course. It was a nice morning and golfers and/or simulated golfers were out chasing golf balls all over the place.

But we were enjoying the walk so much we ended up putting in 1.75 miles by the time we returned to the Castle. Then a bit of joints rest while reading blogs was very nice.

A quick search through the cabinets and refrigerator told use we would hit up the grocery store on our way home from lunch at BK. To our surprise we got out of the store for only about $35. That is a near miracle for this huge appetite bunch.

After lunch and grocery shopping a very stubborn bed required the OFM Team to take a nice relaxing nap. It was wonderful.

The rest of the day was considering what we want to do now that all the parts of the team seems to be in rolling shape again. However we only have about three weeks left until normal activities in Grand Kid Country start up for the summer. The OFM does not want to miss any of that either. So we have to think about all this very carefully. We do know that with three sets of grandparents politely wanting some time that there is no spare time to piddle away.

So every one relax and try to have tooooo much fun this summer.


  1. Always wise to share the grands, with the rest of the extended family. If you are playing in participating in summer activities, it might be wise to hold off on your winter travels.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
