
Great News


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 7, 2024

Great news tonight. We had the first appointment at the RV repair facility this morning. After a short wait while they finished yesterday afternoons last repair of about 20 minutes they got us inside the shop and went to work on the Castle. We quickly got the great news that the teams got really lucky that the rig did not burn to a crisp during the night. A travel trailer usually takes about 20 minutes to turn every thing into crispy rubble.

These are pictures of the damage the cute little squirrels did to the AC. Notice in particular the bare end wires with the 120 volt power still on them last night. We consider it fantastic news that we are here to show these pictures to our readers. Here are the pictures of the door side front corner of the AC unit insides when the cover was removed.

We do not know what is exactly shown in each picture because the damage was so extensive. The really odd thing is the outside cover for the unit was barely scratched. Apparently the squirrels were reaching through the air flow openings on the outside cover. The new unit has more air flow slots but they are all about ¼ the width of the old ones.

The shop folks were very helpful and efficient and happy to explain about what they found. So it was a pleasant experience service wise.

The new unit took a bit of time to install and carefully test for running. They wanted to make sure there were no hidden damaged area they had not noticed. Meanwhile the OFM went into the office to write the check for the whole repair. Those cute little tree rats cost a little over $1850. That is just about three months rent.

But be certain we are grateful to be here to write the blog tonight.


  1. Hi Barney, we all dodge a bullet once in a while glad yours was not worse. The lesson for me is not to rely on mere looks from the outside. Now you can get back to some flower pics. take care.

    1. The no damage outside is what completely fooled me when I did walkarounds looking for trouble. With RVs it is not a question of if trouble will happen but only when it happens.

  2. All in all, that worked out well! Time for a lottery ticket?

  3. I am glad you survived that potential catastrophe. Without seeing any damage on the outside I too would not have been concerned or curious about possible damage. Makes me want to go up in my attic at my house and look around to make sure things are good.

    1. When I lived in houses with attics, it was a twice a year chore to visit all of the attic I could get to to check for leaks mostly.

  4. It's bad enough dealing with normal wear and tear, but frustrating when nature causes damage.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
