
A Wonderful Day And Puppy


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 11, 2024

We started the day with absolutely no plans in place. A nice gentle walk was sort of the goal when we left the Castle. The walking was nice and very pleasant in the cool morning air with no precipitation any where near us. However there were still significant puddles here and there to make us pick our path carefully. On the way back we crossed paths with William, an extremely pleasant late 20s young man and his new in training golden field retriever SOLO. We think that is the breed he told me. What we found out was that Solo was a very wonderful four month old puppy that is an absolute joy to have around. William and the OFM ended up discussing one of the OFM Teams favorite locations to visit. The Texas Big Bend area and the Texas Mexico border fishing lakes. Way too soon William had to get moving and we said our goodbyes.

The OFM headed off to finish the walk and to his surprise learn about poaching meat for eating. The cooking method known as poaching shows great promise for the Teams future meals. It worked extremely well for the chicken breasts we cooked but we need to experiment a bit with the system yet.

We ended up cooking a chicken stoup with these ingredients added.

The first taste of the stoup was a big WOW. The excellent chicken flavor really saturated the stoup with first class flavors. 

After we finished eating and clean up we found that we had four more meals of this stoup to freeze for more enticing meals.

That pretty well covers our nice day. In the next few days we will be trying to figure out what we will be doing for rolling when the time to roll finally gets chosen to roll out. This last year spent here in Decatur Alabama (grandkid land) has been really great for the most part but the Teams are sure wanting some rolling wheels under us for a change. Sleep well and have some great dreams.


  1. Having great dreams and sleeping well is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Speaking of the borderland fishing lakes it's been some time since Ms. Belinda posted...
