
A Long Great Nap


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 9, 2024

The day started with an electronic call telling me my debit card was compromised. After some nonsense from the caller they closed down the card. The OFM called his banking facility later in the day and got wonderful service from GESA Credit Union in Washington State AGAIN. A new card is on its way to the OFM and the old card is blocked. And The OFM is smiling again.

The tornado watch and the seriously bad thunder storms and rain and high winds pounded us for a few hours and when it stopped, about ten minutes later it was an unbelievably beautiful sunny day. So we went for a nice long walk on the paved sidewalk part of the trail system. That was a really nice walk.

As we checked out the campground we saw a lot of flooding but none really serious. The two drainage ditches were out of their banks about 6 inches but no vehicles or Rvs were in danger.

Since things were OK the OFM decided to go back for a nice nap before lunch and it was wonderful to sleep without all the thunder and rain pounding the trailer.

Later in the evening after a great chicken noodle stoup for supper, we walked the garbage to the dumpsters. As we started back we realized the trail behind the campground was not flooded now, so we went back by the trail loop that passed by the soccer field. The field was in very heavy use with all ages of folks training to play soccer. The really little kids are fun to watch them try to kick a ball that comes nearly up to their belly button. We think it is great to have all those families out there having a great time.

When we got back to the Castle we put the left over stoup into freezer containers so we have two more meals of that good stuff. Tomorrow we plan to get fresh vegetables like onions and bell peppers for some stir fry chicken tomorrow. Got to get busy using up some of the items in the freezer before they get too old. Every one have a good time tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of tense moments when the Noah Radio, calls for you to take shelter.
    Those Soccer Players remind me of the grandsons that went through the progression.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Stoup.

    It's about time.
