
Walking And Flowers

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: May 14, 2024

We got out for a nice two mile planned walk as part of our new experimenting on the walking exercise. Near the entrance of the campground is a planter with some very pretty flowers in it. So we stopped to grab a picture of a nice one or four.

This one was standing tall just waiting for us to grab a picture of it showing off. The OFM is thinking he might just try his luck as an artist and attempt a full art attempt from scratch. The worst that can happen is it might contaminate a garbage can with the effort.

Now back to the walk. We chose to walk the paved trail that goes around the golf course because of the easy walking surface. Then we got on goggle and measured a two mile route of one mile out and one mile back. This would give us a fairly accurate distance and surface to start our research on.

As we went along at a slightly speedier pace than on the gravel and dirt trails we paid careful attention to our joints feelings. When we got to the one mile turnaround we stopped to take this picture of the west end of the gravel hike and bike trail.

This is the one mile turnaround point. From here we traced our path back to the Castle. What we noticed is no pain or trouble with the joints until we were only about a hundred yards from the Castle. Then by the time the OFM cooled off and rested few minutes he had no more joint pains the rest of the day. So maybe we have a chance of working out this exercise stuff for staying healthy. We will see.

We were not finished with good things yet as it turned out. When the OFM mail arrived we finally, after over a month, got our required Texas sticker and one more thing to cause rolling trouble is now out of the way.

Now tonight we are getting a big thunderstorm rattling the clouds around and cooling us down a good bit.

Here on the home front this afternoon the OFM started work on the refrigerator full of food sorting and prepping it all for quick and easy eating in the future. The first serious attempted to poach the chicken breasts came out very well. Now tomorrow we plan to finish the cooking with a lite stir fry of the chicken cube in a solution of spices etc to put some desired flavoring into the meat before we start to use it in salads for meals. We also started a list of vegetables we want to add to our shopping list. We think that a lightly stir fried in the spiced sauce, diced yellow squash ought to do well.

That ought to be enough running his fingers for the OFM for tonight. Every one think great thoughts tonight about fun things to do and eat. That ought to wake us up happy and excited for tomorrow. 


  1. Learning our constantly changing limitations is a good way of staying healthy, by having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I will soon be 78 and the limitations are piling up on me.
