
Year Two Starts Today


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 1, 2024

We never envisioned that a day commemorating a year in one place would happen in our traveling years. However today is one year in this place since we rolled in on trailer axles needing major maintenance, pulled by a truck that was about to have an elusive electronics problem and an OFM about to have some eye troubles that would take us so long to get it all resolved. Now that all that mess is finished we are right on the old schedule for our summer visit to the area again. So all we have to do is pick up things right where we left them for all the repairs a year ago.

Our plan is still rolling out by September 15 going west on I-20 until we get there. Get where folks ask. Wherever we end up is our answer.

It is good to have found out that this is a nice place year round with four seasons. Winters are definitely winter but last about two months of long sleeve weather. We like the area for when we have to come off the road forever instead of just major team repairs.

Today was several storm fronts with lots of rain moving through. So to celebrate the first one of the day we went grocery shopping at the little Walmart about seven miles away. It was wonderful inside the store with most of the folks staying away from coming in the rain.

We got nearly first choice on everything it seemed. Bananas had not been picked over so we got some very pretty ones. The thin cut pork chops were in excellent shape and several packages to choose from. Overall inside the store was very pleasant shopping. Even when the OFM checked his blood pressure it was almost down to reasonable for a change.

Back at the Castle the OFM did household chores and some goof off chores and a bit of nothing also. Then in mid afternoon we saw a break in the rains coming on the weather radar and decided to try for a decent walk when the weather break came to our area.

It worked out perfect. The walk was 2.3 miles on the road going around the golf course. We got to meet three new nice folks and a couple of happy fun doggies. Real good walk it was. The weather was gloomy and the atmosphere very very wet as you can see in this picture.

And that is how the OFM got by on a dreary wet day in north Alabama.

Have fun everyone, it is wonderful to be alive and meeting new doggies and folks to visit.


  1. I understand the discomfort of not being able to enjoy adventures all the time.
    Glad you are ready for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time

  2. Good luck on year two Barney. I would imagine it is driving you crazy. Except for losing the campsite in your current campground, have you considered traveling to some of the COE campgrounds within your area? Maybe a month long trip around northern Alabama/northern Georgia? It may be enough to help satisfy your hitch itch and see some new stuff. Just a thought. Take care, be safe.
