
Lucky Sprained Ankle

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 21, 2024

The OFM awakened in bed and rolled out headed for the other end of the Castle for the necessity room. But there was a bit of trouble. His left ankle had a bit of a sprain in it, So he hobbled his way to the necessity room and took care of things like a sprained ankle among other things.

Any way the OFM recalls a bit of a difficult step yesterday but it did not hurt at that time. And it did not hurt badly at this time. Being over three quarters of a century old he decided on a day of ankle care and skipped the daily walk. It seems to have been a good choice since nothing special happened all day except that the ankle seems to be fine now. There you have it, most the whole day covered in one small paragraph.

But the OFM has this attitude problem. He learned long ago that a set back means that you have time to make something good happen. So we went vegetable and fruit shopping at the nearby Walmart. It was unreal how good things worked out. We have been out of fresh fruit and vegetables for a few days and the supply at the store was not really very good in quality. We think they had missed last weeks resupply. Well when we hobbled into the store, the stockers were heavy at unloading the fresh vegetables onto the shelves off the recently arrived truck. One glance around and yep the truck had arrived about a half hour ago. So we got to select our choice of the freshly delivered food for our basket. This Walmart seems to keep the fresh food items in better shape than others in the town. So we had really nice looking and fresh food to spend our $40 on for resupply. It has been a great day for healing an ankle and nibbling celery, radishes, cole slaw, grapes etc. So looking back on the day, the ankle got us into the very fresh food we likely would not have gotten too until a Sunday mid day store trip.

Now we plan on an easy night of rest and a good walk tomorrow morning. Good Night Every one. 


  1. Hoping the ankle is back to 100% soon!

    1. Just finished the morning walk and the ankle is in pretty near healed state. Thanks for the good wishes.
