
Scalp Frying Heat


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 16, 2024

No walk this morning. The OFM stepped out of the Castle early after checking the weather to find out it was already 93F and 87% hum ditty. He stood there in the sun so hot it would fry your scalp with your hat on. The AC kicked on in the Castle and the OFM hurried up the steps back inside. And there you have most of the story of today.

The OFM did open his Dads Day card from his son and it was delightful. Thanks again for the nice card Kiddo. And that was the end of the big excitement for the day.

The evening trash walk was almost decent. We had a bit of breeze to help with the humm ditty. The shade was good and the heat had moderated a bit so the one mile very gentle stroll to the dumpster and then around the campground to the Castle seemed almost decent now that the sun was below the tree tops. And that is how it was in southern America today. Sleep well and keep cool.

1 comment:

  1. We.ve got Seven Days of those air-fryer days coming our way. The temps are in the upper Nineties, but with the humidity, is well above the Century Mark.
    Looks like you have to alter your daytime activities, so you can continue having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
