
Trail Maintenance


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 28, 2024

We greeted the new nice weather this morning by meandering around the area on the intertwining trails to get in a bit over two miles. It was very nice out. Eventually we came to the main hike and bike trail again and started down it right where the trail closed sign was at yesterday We meandered on along from that point just enjoying the newly graded trail.

We noticed right away that the trail had been freshly graded and smoothed. They used to do that each spring but skipped the last two years. The trail was getting a bit ragged so it is nice to have it smoothed out a bit. Now if we also get the 1 inch of new gravel laid on it, walking things will be wonderful again.

As we continued on the re-opened trail section we came across a new downed tree that had already been cleared of the obstructing tree.

Now the bikes could easily continue on their way.

As we moseyed along the trail we could hear the brush clearing working on up ahead and after a half mile or so we found the new location of the TRAIL CLOSED sign.

Since a favorite bench was near and the breeze was just right the OFM sat down for a few lazy minutes of just enjoying the great day (and maybe being a bit lazy).

We finally got going again and had an easy walk back to the Castle to spend most of the rest of the day with a great nap and recalling years of travel and trying to decide where to roll toward soon.

Good night and have a great day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. When trails are well maintained, having tooooo much fun is much easier.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
