
Rocket Trails???

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 25, 2024

We got a bit earlier start on the walk this morning and actually got in 3 miles of walking with out too much misery. Stopping for a couple of minutes of bench resting seemed to be a good thing one time. After we finished getting cleaned up we checked the temperature in the shade and found it too be 97F. That is enough to make us find a bench in the shade for sure.

At the turn around point we were in the shade of the pump building for the golf course and saw this lady walking on the paved road that parallels the gravel in the shade trail on the right.

Now why would someone choose a black tar walking path in that hot sun over a less hot gravel path in the shade next to the water with a bit of breeze wafting through? We definitely do not know.

A few times today we saw a straight line vapor trail going through the sky. Each time there was various contortions of vapor trails up there also. Maybe jets chasing rockets from the government facilities nearby? The OFM definite does not have the clearance required to stick his nose into that. Nor does he want to know. Ignorance can be bliss we feel.

It was showing 103F mid afternoon so the OFM got out the colored pencils and did a bit of scratching them on some paper to while away some time IN THE AC inside the castle. We feel that was a wonderful choice on our part.

For tonight we plan on some being very lazy time. Have fun everyone. 


  1. Have you ever tried Kinder's BBO sauce? I have tried a lot of different ones, and I like that one the best. The mild organic version is my favorite, but it is hard to find. We get ours from, of all places, Amazon. If you like BBO, it is worth a try.

  2. Yup.... it sure is hot here in north Alabama. So much that we had an algae bloom attack our pond and every fish was lost At least 150. In one day the buzzards cleaned it up. I counted 41 of those critters feasting out there.

  3. Finally, I found out how to make a comment on your blog: if you are using the Brave Browser, you click on the lion face, and then turn OFF the shields.

    1. This is the standard Microsoft browser that is free without any extras..

  4. Some people also don't realize that walking on Hard Surfaces is harder on the leg joints than walking on gravel or grass.
    Staying cool in the AC is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Thanks for the blast of nostalgia, from your top photo. I still remember the first time I saw the Pecos canyon while driving over that bridge. I am surprised I didn't drive off it! Wow, I thought, the Southwest is off to a great start.

  6. Based on where you are located those are likely contrails of commercial airliners, passing overhead your location. Charlotte is a large airport east of you, it is an extremely busy airport, Atlanta is southeast of you, another very busy airport. Contrails will be straight after the a/c makes them but depending on the winds aloft they can be broken up and leave crooked patterns in the sky.
