
Heat Safety Started In Full Force Today


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 7, 2024

The walk today went well since the OFM prepared properly for it. Since hot weather is here he got his mindset to take it a bit easy when he got heated up and just see how he does with the heat. He made sure we had a good water supply with us and away we went looking for shade at every place on the trail we went. Here is a couple of examples of the shade this trail has available. And yes he twice sat for a couple of moments to cool down a bit. Having had four heat strokes in his life has taught him to not mess around with HOT DAYS.

We managed a good pace for the whole time and got in three miles total walking distance.

The rest of the day we piddled around with a visit or three and thinking about where we can roll to come September 15. Please be very careful with this heat and humidity. It can sneak up on you. If you see tooooo much fun coming by. Grab a hold and go with it.


  1. Hi Barney, three miles in the heat is very impressive. Your water and short rest stops seem to be the ticket for a good exercise program. Do you have any problems with mosquitos? Have a great day.

    1. In 12 years only two mosquito bites in this area. But flies sometimes are a nuisance.
