
Bad Cut Doing Very Well

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 11, 2024

To our surprise the cut finger gave no trouble today. Of course we kept it wrapped in the bandage and did not use it for much. We want the cut to get a good start at healing and it looks like it has begun to mend already. No infection showing at all is a wonderful sign.

The walk went way better than we thought it would. When we finished we peaked under the new cut bandage and the cut was nice with a bit of a scab along the edge of the cut and no special redness showing. We are hoping that the cut was not as bad as we thought it was last night while it was dripping blood on the counter top. Time will tell.

The rest of the day was a goof off day along with some day dreaming about where to roll when we leave here. To our surprise a nap did not happen.

Weather wise it is hot and day after tomorrow it is predicted we will be in the daytime nineties for the rest of the month. WOW.

OK folks let us be careful of the heat while we are trying to have tooooo much fun. 


  1. Hoping your finger heals quickly and stays away from sharp edges in the future.
    Things are starting to warm up for everyone lately.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.

  2. Thank you for the good wishes for me and my finger.
