
Tree Limbs Running Amuck


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 6, 2024

Another nice cool day greeted us this morning. The morning was gray clouds that slowly cleared out to leave us full bright sunshine. The OFM was not at the top of his game today but it was an easy day again so it worked out very well.

Late in the evening the OFM went to the office area to retake the metal butterfly bush as he promised and ended taking a big pile of pictures of the flowers out front that greet new campers when they arrive. They need to be adjusted for the blog but should be in tomorrows blog post.

In the walk today we noticed lots of medium size limbs had come down in the last couple of days along the hike and bike trail. We do not know why they are coming down from the trees but it seems like a lot more than usual. Here are two pictures of the size branches we are referring to. They could do a bit of damage if they put a good hit on you.

Maybe it is just Mother Nature doing spring cleaning but the OFM is definitely watching out for limbs running wild in the tree tops.

A long trip to Walmart this afternoon was used to walk all over Walmart looking for ideas for the three birthdays next month, son, grand son and grand daughter. So far no luck at all.

The metal shrub with butterflies instead of blossoms came out decent. Here it is in as good of a focus the OFM seems to be able to get with this object.

We still think it is a worthy addition to the flower bed.

That's it for tonight. Every one sleep well and try to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.

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