
Another Leak Again


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 30, 2024

We stepped outside to find it HOT MUGGY and NO BREEZE and stepped back inside into the A/C to do some other things today. So a decent walk did not happen. However we had some important things that needed to be done to take care of. July is a month with three family birthdays in it. The OFM went to work getting things organized and ready for the special days. By the time we were finished it was after lunchtime.

A surprise strong thirty minute rain storm hit with a vengeance this afternoon and found a new spot to send water into the Castle. The OFM accidentally had a bowl at the right spot to catch the slow drip.

The storm finished its nastiness. The OFM noticed that it was immediately bright hot breezy drying type of day so we went to work on stopping the leak. We think it was a recaulk from over a month ago that had what looked like bubbles had formed and popped in the caulk from last time. With the hot bright sun beaming down it was dry in about a half hour. So we cleaned it all well and let it dry some more. The area the blue arrow is pointing at is where the bubbles and a small crack had formed in the caulk since the previous effort had finished. It has even had a few rains since that last caulking and we had had no leaks show until today.

Well we did a first class effort again and the sun certainly did its job of drying things very well so we have high hopes we have the leak fixed again. The OFM keeps on reminding himself that the Castle is a 2005 model that has been his housing since July of 2007 and some where over 100,000 miles of not always smooth roads to bounce around on and loosen the wooden frame.

Once again it is time to rest so tomorrow we can attempt to have tooooo much fun. Good night and sleep well.


  1. It is a guessing game trying to keep ahead of the leaks.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your day.

    It's about time.
