
Calm Water

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 13, 2024

What a day of very little it turned out to be! The walk was very nice but so calm the temps were a bit higher than we liked. Check out this pic of how calm it was.

At least we got to meet a very nice pup and owner on the trail. We had a very nice fifteen minutes petting pup and visiting with the owner. The owner was 83 years old and lived locally. It was a very nice time.

The OFM managed 2.xx miles as we lost track of the mileage markers along the way but the OFM was not at the top of his walking anyway so we were taking it a bit easy for that old wimp.

We hit up WALMART to shop for birthday gifts for the July birthdays. No luck on that front but we got very lucky and found two pair of shorts that the OFM considered good enough for him, Yep they came home with us. After checking the closet and counting what was really there instead of what the OFM thought was there we determined that we had exactly the correct styles and quantities of clothing we want to carry with us. So major clothing shopping is over. We have had several pairs of pants and shorts we have been wearing for about ten years. Suddenly this last few months they have been having a lot of failure of thread in the seams. The thread has apparently deteriorated so much it is breaking frequently. And when the OFM sews the seam up the fabric also is so weak that it rips very easily. So we decided it was time to purchase some newer clothing with better thread and fabric holding them together.

Late this afternoon after finishing some household chores we had time for a little coloring activity. Yep we made a nice bit of progress on the coloring being done now. Here is a glimpse at where we are in the project.

It is turning out to be a difficult piece to develop since it has a huge amount of small parts that have to be carefully handled or it will look very bad. We think this one will take quite a bit longer to finish than most of them we have done so far. The challenge is fun though. It is nice to have something challenging to work with when physical rest is needed but the OFM mind is still raring to go. A mind without a challenge is a dangerous item.

We hope everyone is having a great summer this year and being safe. 


  1. Extra caution should be taken for having tooooo much fun in these warm temperatures.
    Patience is needed to do a good job even for fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Hi Barney, that water sure is calm and with some heat I bet its muggy and humid out. The art work is progressing fine I can see the details you point out. Have a great day and enjoy the 249th Birthday of the U.S. Army.
