
Painted Metal Flowers


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 2, 2024

It has been a day of this and that happening all day. Let us start with the walk on this nice cool morning. Since the ground was still recovering from all the rains we chose to stay on pavement for the whole walk and from the looks of the areas we walked near that was an excellent choice. With the nice cool air we were able to make it a 2.8 mile walk with only a little extra effort. This was on the same road shown yesterday with all the dampness.

Then we went birthday present shopping for all the July birthday folks and ended up finding a total of zero appropriate gifts. That doesn't surprise the OFM.

Next we attacked getting the pork chops we bought a couple of days ago ready for OFM Cooking Excitement.

We trim all the major fat off the chop and then cube it into half inch on a side cubes. The cubes are frozen in containers with enough cubes for a one meal cooking session per container. So we ended up with two containers for the freezer and one for supper. The stoup was pork chop cubes, diced bell pepper and Knorr Mexican Rice to make a nice Mexican style meal. And yes it came out rather good again.

We now have a full freezer of meals again. YUMMITY YUM YUM.

We went to the office to check mail and ended up having about an hour of great friendly conversations with other folks and a couple of kids too. Along the way we found out we stayed here the first time 7-24-2012. So we do have a bit of history of coming here and most of that history has been very nice.

There were a few things else wise that happened today but The OFM memory can't recall what. So we will close with a picture of this garden decoration that The OFM went over to photograph. The colorful plant turned out to be a decoration made of wire. It has metal butterflies mounted all over it painted in really bright colorful colors. As it worked out it was difficult for the camera to focus on it for a good picture. Tonight you get what we got but tomorrow we plan to get a better photo if we can.

We have been checking temps out west and they are running very HOT out there already.

Time for us to get rested up for another day of trying to have too much fun tomorrow.


  1. Sad that we could not share all the rain we've been getting, with the western states. Though they had lots of dampness through the Winter, they are once again dry and baking.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
