Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Small Dehumidifier Works


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 19, 2023

We are located in the midst of Wheeler Natural Area which is a fancy name for a worthless swampy marsh of very high humidity and bugs. Therefore the temp does not have to get really high for the atmosphere to be very nasty hot in the summer and miserable cold in the winter. The Castle living area is only 70 inches high and 20 feet long by 7 feet 6 inches wide. So we did not need a large dehumidifier to keep the Castle nice with respect to humidity.

Our choice a couple of years ago was this model from Walmart. With only 147 square feet of living area it has proved to be just right for our comfort.

It runs on 120 volt electric. When we boon dock it runs just fine on a small inverter we have.

Last night was the worst night of the knee troubles we have had. The left knee became swollen up and red and tender before we went to bed. So the OFM chose to switch to a maximum dose treatment with ibuprofen to attempt to get control of the situation. The OFM thought that if this did not work it would be time to hit up the emergency room here in Decatur. The aching continued until the OFM saw midnight on the clock before he went to sleep. This morning he woke at 0827 to minor pain and the ability to slowly walk again. Then during the day the knee stopped the redness and swelling. By2000 tonight he can walk normally again and the pain is very minimal. It feels decent tonight as we write the blog entry. We are planning on a couple of days of careful leg usage before we trust everything totally.

While being pretty well confined to sitting around the Castle for a couple of days we have been doing the small picture coloring. The stroke length has doubled in length as the OFM experience has increased. These small colorings are definitely a different world from the 4x6 size and upward.

Tonight we broke down and went and got a Lawlers stuffed baked potato for supper. It was a very large one and will end up making three suppers for the OFM. That is OK since the OFM doesn't really like to cook very much.

It is well after 2000 and the knee seems to still be responding well so we will back down on the ibuprofen treatment to the normal amount for the night. Maybe tomorrow we can get back to trying to have tooooo much fun again.


  1. Mine does that all the time, no rhyme or reason. Have noticed tho that sometimes I have a very slight twist it or just step wrong. Usually don't notice it when it happens but sure do afterwards! One time I just turned over in bed, felt just a twinge but couldn't walk when I got up that morning. Tell you one thing tho, I've seen old age and I definitely don't like it!

  2. Ha. This is going to be an old person thing about random swelling of joints. I've got an ankle like that. x-rays showed arthritis. Gout was considered. Nope. Just comes and goes and they don't know why. But a What a drag. I am laughing because craftyfox hurt something just turning over in bed. I've done that!! Sheesh,

    1. As much things I have done in my life, just plain old wore out is possible.
