Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Nearly Overheated The OFM


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 25, 2023

A slightly warm morning greeted us when we hit the trail for a nice walk this morning. We chose a route around the soccer field that went past some very bright Crepe Myrtles.

They are in magnificent blooms this year don't you think?

As we continued the walk the OFM was getting a bit too hot and sweaty so when we got to a main junction we stopped to check out the situation a bit.

We considered that that there might be more breeze on the open road. The trail is a lot more dense with vegetation and breeze can be a premium item on it during days like today. So we chose the road knowing that we had opportunities to cross back over to the hiking trail now and then. It was a surprise to us that we were not getting any breeze on the road so at the first opportunity we crossed over to the hiking trail and it was not getting any breeze either. So we slowed our pace a bit and headed back to the Castle. We have no idea how far we went today but it was less that 2 miles. By the time we got back to the Castle the OFM was feeling the hot humid weather a bit too much.

The rest of the day the OFM was not feeling very well from the heat and humidity so he spent the rest of the day inside the AC area of coolness. It was a wise choice. We will be very careful tomorrow if we get out into the heat and humidity again.

Meanwhile we got a new coloring book in from Amazon this afternoon and we have not had time to look through it carefully. The OFM is learning how to choose the coloring books drawn by folks with nice paintings as the planned finish and ones just for flat painting to fill up the enclosed spots inside like a young child's coloring book is done. We learned today that there exists adult coloring books set up specifically for more realistic paintings when the colorist gets finished with their art contributions to the scene. So the search for knowledge goes onward.

Tonight we get to view the teams latest effort that is complete. We say it that way because we can have several colorings of several scenes in progress at the same time. The OFM does not start a coloring and stay with it to the finish. There are many artistic decisions that need time to consider before continuing on that particular coloring. For instance there was several weeks between coloring most of the mountains and the coloring of the meadow where the flowers are located. We could not make up the OFM's mind on how to present the animals and flowers in the foreground. So without any more nonsense here is Mountain Meadows (4"x6").

We hope you enjoy it and want to see more because there are several small ones almost finished and three more or so partially completed coming in the next months. And we have two more adult coloring books coming in the mail as we write.

After this hot day will all our readers please join us in a kick back resting time tonight so we can be well rested for a hard day of trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for showing us - nice!
    Take it easy in that heat, OFM.

    1. Just got back from morning walk and lived through it.
