Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Nice Long Walk


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 24, 2023

Today worked out a lot different than we thought it would. The weather this morning was not hot and the wind was nothing. The well knee seemed fine and we decided to give a good effort at ignoring the knee and go for faster and longer than in a while. As we moved quickly we would stop to get nice scenery pictures and move on. Well it sort of worked out that way. We got the pictures along the trail. The body did pretty good but we shut down at 2.5 miles. We also quickly found out we were not going to set new speed records this morning. Our speed turned out to be a notch below our best but was good enough to get a bit aerobic. It was a good workout but not yet quite up to our planned minimum.

Since the day turned into what it was, we decided to just use the effort for getting nice scenery pics along the trail. It was a good choice for the OFM health. Here are the pics in sequence from start of walk to the turnaround at the supervisor bird.

Pic 1




Hole 6 of the golf course

Supervisor Bird

It made for a great walk and start to the day.

We spent some time coloring and planning and trying to figure out what to plan while enjoying a day of easy living for a change from all the recuperation effort in the last few days. We hope everyone had a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun also.


  1. Glad you had a good walk. Thanks for the photos...nice to see so much water and even a button bush bloom!

    1. Thanks for the flower ID. I could not recall the name for it. One summer here we had thousands of them along the lakes. The water you see in the pics is part of the Tennessee river. It is about 6 inches high for now.
