Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Glasses For The OFM


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 26, 2023

We got started about an hour earlier for the walk this morning. It was less hot and the OFM seemed to handle it a lot better. But when we finished about 0915 it was time to cool off for sure.

Today we got our new glasses so we can see the best we will be able to for at least another six months of healing (if anything happens). The left eye that was not involved in the chair fall last August seems to be doing just fine from the cataract surgery last year. The OFM can see well with his new tri-focal lenses. The damaged right eye is not doing nearly as well but still is very usable. Now we get to start the evaluation if the OFM can see well enough to be on the road towing the Castle to here and there. We are hoping so. It is two more months before we could hit the road and need the choice made.

On the walk we saw/learned a couple neat things. Some sort of shrubbery along the trail is setting seed pods we think.

We do not know the name of the bush. Apparently it is getting into get ready for fall time around here. The weather will start to take the edge off the heat in about four weeks and then cools nicely during September. Several of the plants in the woods are showing a bit of fading to their greenery on the edges of their leaves. That doesn't happen down in south Texas until late October.

Meanwhile we stopped and grabbed this picture during the walk. Notice the still water around the old dead tree. Then take notice of the reflection of the clouds above showing on the water like a mirror. We thought that was a neat event give to us by Mother Nature today.

Another neat accident was detected today. We have been starting our walk at the Castle up in the campground and joining the waterfront trail after we walked out of the campground and along behind the soccer field to a slough that crosses under the trail. Then we follow the trail as far as we can that day. The trail has nice mileage markers along it about every half mile or so like this one.

So today we paid careful attention to a couple of mile markers locations. Then when we returned to the Castle we got on Goggle maps to see how different our distance was from the trail markers. We measured our distance from the Castle to the common point on the slough crossing with the main trail start point Mile 0. As it turned out we are within 200 feet of the same distance just different starting points. So now we know that once we hit the trail from the campground and join the main trail the mile markers are nearly right for us also. That means we can get decent ideas about where we see things along the trail so other folks can find the same great scene we saw. Not really important but a nice ability to have when locating an event location for the blog and the readers.

Have some extra fun tomorrow in Celebration of Kiddo's (OFM's son) birthday. He turns 40+.


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