Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Maximizing Fun Times


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 15, 2023

Contrary to a comment from yesterdays blog entry. We are not thinking about dying but are definitely working on getting as much living as possible crammed into what unknown amount of time we have left. Wasting fun time is a bad habit the OFM used to have. Not any more.

On that issue of timing and the OFM health recovery situation we now feel that we will be able to roll from Grandkid land no sooner than September 15. Then if we get a travel plan of some $ort worked out we can hit the road looking at maximizing having tooooo much fun.

With rolling again coming soon we spent some time today checking caulk leak points and possible future leak points. And the OFM still does not like roof work. But we found a few locations where we cleaned up some old weathered caulk and some caulk that seemed to be cracking from age. However we have not found any evidence of impact damage to any caulk. That is nice to know we have been doing good at dodging overhead troubles.

Since the OFM has to stay below about 7500 feet of elevation to be comfortable and still move around we have that restriction to conform too. New Mexico, his birth state, has a lot of higher ground there so we do have to plan a bit for that obstacle. With winter coming in during October it would be best to go in at the northerly end and travel south toward the southern end of the Rio Grande River for the winter months. We like those bitter COLD winter nights of 50F down there in January.

And that concludes all of today's planning except for the grocery list for food shopping in the morning. We have to keep our energy up for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Hi Barney. I'm Randall up here in Indiana, and I've been following you for a few years now. I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned those bitter 50 degree temps in south Texas. Well, we did live in Florida for 30 years, but I digress. I think we're about the same age, so I can empathize with future plans - or the lack of them. As long as we're breathing, there is always a future. Have fun tomorrow!

    1. Howdy Randall. Glad you commented. I have an old friend that summers in Niles Michigan and winters in Rockport Texas. He is not a fan of cold either. I will be turning 77 in mid august . Check out the little Town of Roma Tx for those winter lows.. Have fun and thank you for reading.
