Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Nothing Much Happening But The Heat


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 27, 2023

We emailed Kiddo happy birthday wishes this morning early and that was the high spot of the day. At 1930 this evening it was still showing 92 on Sierra's outside temp gauge. The walk got started about an hour earlier than normal for lately. We hit a spot where the shade went away for about a quarter mile and the OFM stopped looked at the heat waves rising off the black top paving and looked back at the way we came with shade and no heat waves. BINGO we had our route back. The OFM was not feeling frisky anyway so the shortening of the walk in this hot humid climate was a welcome change. As it worked out when we got back the OFM checked Google maps and found out we covered 1.7 miles anyway in not very wonderful conditions. So the OFM called it good enough and the entire agreed on something for a change. Turning back was the best idea.

According to the weather folks we are about four weeks from the summer weather peak and the heat should start to break and go down by the first of September. We will be ready.

The new glasses are working out OK but not first class. The left eye is just fine. The right eye is the eye damaged in the last August fall. This eye is not just right but is very usable with these new glasses.

We received three new adult coloring books yesterday. After the cooling shower after the walk we spent a good bit of time in the AC planning our usage of the new books. This gives us five adult coloring books in total to get ideas from and inspire the coloring we like to do. We even went out to eat for supper and had a shredded pork plate with potato salad, cole slaw, a roll and unsweetened iced tea. That was a nice change. Then we stopped at Walmart to fill up Sierra for $3.29 a gallon. Sierra was thirsty.

There you have a very plain day at a campground for a change. We have more hot humid in the forecast so do not expect much from the teams in the effort of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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