Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Dangerous Mistake


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 13, 2023

This week makes 16 years of the OFM living in the Castle. We have had a lot of adventures together in that time period. It has been a life experience better that the OFM's hopes could imagine at the start of the rolling down the road on October 7, 2007 from Richland Washington. The Castle is a 24 foot boondocking set up of an Arctic Fox 22H travel trailer that has served very well for our wants. Check our blogsite OldFatManAdventures to see the short story of our adventures around the USA.

Today we got in a very nice morning walk. We started on the normal one that goes along Flint Creek but we changed the route when we got to the madhouse of some school event dealing with footballs and massive turnout of kids and adults.

We backtracked a few yards and went on a trail that had been neglected a bit for the last couple of years and got a nice surprise. It had been cleaned up and widened so that folks could pass each other much easier.

We may be using this trail more in the future if it stays in good shape. From there we took a loop that gave us 2,5 miles for the walk. But the weather was hot enough that we had to slow down a bit from the usual pace to keep from having troubles. We joined up with the previous trail and got a couple of nice pictures along the waterfront areas. Here are some friendly turtles that let us take several pics from different angles. It was fun.

And on down the trail is an old tree stump from a tree that had been felled by a wind storm a couple of years ago. The main downed tree had been removed but the stump left for decoration of the “natural” scenery. We liked the way the flowers were growing up the stump in a nice curve. It happens to be at a spot with a good view of the lake also.

We made a serious mistake today while doing a big cleanup of the medicine cabinet above the lavatory in the bathroom. It happens that some triple itch cream we bought a couple years ago had the same painting and size tube as the OFM tooth paste with just writing different. We had not noticed that before. They both were rolled up a couple of folds from the end and clipped with the same style binder clip. Apparently the OFM switched places with where they we in the cabinet not realizing the tubes were such a great match for each other. So tonight when he went to brush his teeth he reached in and grabbed the “tooth paste” put a dab on his brush and went to brushing. In a few seconds he noticed the difference and the spitting and hacking got going. He rinsed several times and brushed with a new toothbrush and water several times. He felt that he had not swallowed much of the product but the label warning was emphatic that taking some into your body needed the attention of a doctor RIGHT AWAY. With all the training the OFM has had over the years in chemical plants he was designing the OFM made a judgment call he had not ingested enough to run to a doctor yet. BUT he did call his son (kiddo) about over in the Huntsville area to get him to call the OFM at 2130 to see if he was still alive. So far it looks like the OFM will live through this error. However an error this serious needs some help in preventing it in the first place. The two tubes should never have been so identical that they could be accidentally mischosen. The OFM keeps a couple colors of nail polish around to mark things at times. So now here is what the triple itch cream tube looks like until we get to the store to see what the tubes are like now.

And that is enough excitement for the day. The OFM thinks that he will take it a bit easier tomorrow just trying to have fun instead of too much fun.


  1. Well, I was going to congratulate you on the 16 years; I've been following your blog for at least half of that but then you come up with the toothpaste mistake! Oh shit! Here's hoping I get to read your adventures for more years!
