Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


In The Deep Dark Woods


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 17, 2023

The damaged left knee did a good job of holding down the activity of the OFM all day today and seems interested in continuing with the ache tomorrow. But we can tell it is recovering. This morning was two ibuprofen every two hours for the pain and this evening we are down to one every three hours so far. The OFM would like to know what caused it so we could implement prevention measures if possible. What that injury caused is good progress on some cabinet cleaning out that has been needed for a while. Late this evening we actually took off for a short walk to gather new pictures with late evening lighting for mood effects. It was just the right amount of walk for the knee.

For another piece we are writing we wanted the prices for the park but for some reason the powers that be did not put the prices for the campground in the website. So in case anyone ever wants to come here we are posting the current prices.

During the short walk this evening with the low angle sun blazing in, we happened to notice something odd way back in the woods like a clearing with a statue in it. The OFM was not about to take a walk in the snakes to see what it was so he did a good luck shot at maximum zoom hand held to see what was back there Maybe. When we got it into the computer we were surprised how well it turned out. We still do not know what it is back there but here is a picture to help us guess about it.

What is your guess?

And finally tonight we get to see the latest small picture that the OFM Teams have attempted. It is about 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches and was a lot of fun. It is Prismacolor pencil totally and has several hours of labor in it. In an article about working in small format colored pencil a well known artist recommends magnifying glasses for your work. We now can understand WHY.

That does not use up a lot of pencil but it has nearly no mark over 1/8 inch long on it either. Because of the smallness of the sections of a color in the picture and the carefulness required etc we think we have some where close to fifteen hours tied up in it. But we still started another one earlier today.

Next Sunday is our Grandson's birthday and the OFM has a fantastic present for him as well as an ordinary present also. But since he sometimes reads this blog what they are will have to wait for the grand opening pictures. It should make a good blog for reading whenever it publishes.

OK that is enough babbling for a crippled up OFM just trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I think the mystery photo is a grapevine or virginia creeper. As for the small is very lovely. Cannot imagine doing that - just shoot me now! 1/8 of an inch, huh. Oh.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. So far this is the third one I have done but the first all colored pencil and I am finding I enjoy 4x6 size best or 5x7 when a scene requires it. Sorta like I really enjoy living in my 147 sf of trailer.

  2. You must have really steady hands to be able to stay in the lines on such a small picture! You did a great job, as usual. How old will Gavin be? The years go by so fast! Do hope the knee behaves for you!

  3. The time invested really shows.
    Nice job, Barney!

    Eleven years old?! Where does the time go?
