Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Nuts And Berries?????


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 8, 2023

Morning started nice with the normal granola and milk breakfast. The weather looked like it would be clear and the forecast was for some breeze but high 80 temps. Naturally the humidity was high 80s also. But we got going reasonably early and the OFM was able to set a good brisk pace for the whole walk.

He had checked how he felt and other things and decided that 2 miles would be a good distance with the heat and humidity what it was. For the third time in his life he was right. We drank about 8 ounces of water during the walk and he was hot and ready to shut down just as we got back to the Castle. And yes the cool shower was wonderful.

We stayed out of the heat most of the day inside the Castle. And we finally quit on another small picture of about 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches. These small paintings are really difficult. But here it is anyway.

Late this afternoon we walked a bag of garbage down to the dumpsters on the other side of the campground. Along the way we passed two shrubs or small trees in the massive growth next to the road. They had berries or nuts or who knows what growing in them. That means we need help in identifying the items we saw.

So if you recognize what they are please let us now.

Then for supper the OFM had a strong urge and we ran down to Lawlers and brought home a baked potato with lots of filling on it. Half of it will be supper tomorrow night. The other half is in the process of being digested right now. So now we need to rest so we can do better at trying to have tooooooooooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. I want to know what they are too! I hope someone can tell you!

    1. Slow. I'm not really uncomfortable. Another appt with the ortho Thursday will have an x-ray to see if it's starting to grow together. 3-8 months is the timeline for bone repair on the patella, according to the College of Orthopedic Surgeons. I suspect they know. Mine's only 6 weeks old, so I'm not being hopeful about abandoning the immobilizing brace. But I've gotten used to it. Right leg, so can't drive. Grrrrrr. But many things are delivered these days and it's too hot to mess around outside anyway.
