Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Big Blaaahs


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 10, 2023

We got a good start this morning and made a 2.5 mile walk in decent temperatures at a brisk pace the whole way. It feels good when that happens.

As it worked out we did not take any pictures that looked decent when viewed as a photo in the blog. We messed around with e-mail account still not working and nothing became of that effort. Mid day was a tooth cleaning and exam appointment that went very well even if they found a small cavity in progress. We go back Wednesday to eliminate that trouble spot.

When we got back to the Castle the OFM was feeling pretty rough for some reason so we hit the bed and slept some and rattled around in the bed some and repeated the procedure a couple more times until the OFM gave up and got supper ready.

We have no idea the cause of the not so great day but we lived through it and plan on trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow. Everybody have a nice evening and night.