Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Knee Treatment


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 20, 2023

Today the OFM made a strong effort at healing his knee. We basically took the day off from any serious activity using the knee. So it was a sit at the computer day and piddle. Lunch was at Burger King and then back to the Castle to piddle more. It was a bit of a surprise how much the knee improved during the day. The little walking we did seemed to be just enough to loosen the knee a bit without any more pains. So overall we feel it was a good treatment for the knee and we will see what tomorrow brings when it gets here. In the mean time we are going to try to have a lot of fun from the office chair at the table. Be safe everyone.


  1. Not a bad idea to baby it for a bit.......see how it goes...

  2. Since you have extra computer time on your hands, check out the medicinal properties of simple Cayenne Pepper. It may be applicable to your knee. Be safe out there.
