Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Feeling Rough All Day


Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 12, 2023

It has been a rough day since the OFM woke up. His stomach area has had an ache since he woke up this morning. We haven't got time for feeling bad since we have a tooth filling to get done this afternoon.

Anyway we moped around the Castle after going on a short walk early. At least we got two pics to show tonight. This guy was very vigorous with his fishing in the very early morning light.

I will leave the early fishing to him.

A little ways on down the trail we were trying to get a nice morning picture of the clouds and sun starting to break out in sunshine but what we got instead is this nice picture that looks sort of like a dark lightning strike at the water. We thought it was cute any way.

It finally came time to leave for the dentist and the cavity filling so we moseyed on over to his shop. As usual they were all in a happy mood and that helped the OFM peel off some of his grouchy and get rid of it.

The filing of the small cavity went extra well as the cavity cleaned out really well and not as deep as the dentist thought it would be last Monday. However it is now after eating a bit of a supper still in a very numbed state of affairs and eating is a bit difficult.

To top off the good things apparently the computer station got its act together and we have had no trouble today after three days of garbage happening.

Friday is the day of ordering new glasses with the agreement of the eye surgeon a couple of weeks ago. I hope that goes well.

Everyone have a good time each chance you get.


  1. OK then. A couple of good things today....hope tomorrow is even better, with three or four!

  2. The numbness is finally leaving my jaw from the cavity repair. Now I can safely eat again.
