Adventure Location:
Decatur, Alabama
Date: July 31, 2023
We have traveling news for you. The RV shop that has a good reputation here in the area does not have an opening for the Castle axle work until October. They expect the overhaul on the old stuff can be done in one long day. It has been over ten years since the last bearing service and brakes exam. Nothing was showing to us that the axle assembly needed service but we have a moderate accurate guess that they have about 100,00 miles or near it on them. We feel that it is time for preventative maintenance as a minimum. If we get to roll about early October we can still get in a good seven months of rolling time before we report back to Grandkid Land for Grand Pa duty.
This is a picture of the American flag on the soccer field pole this morning about 0845 as we started a two mile effort in the heat. It was in the high 70s we think and the flag was hanging dead still. The walk went well and we managed to meet two different couple to visit for a few minutes. The OFM feels that those two few minute pauses to say howdies helped him have a better time about the exercise. Our recovery time back at the Castle was a lot easier this morning than usual. We have to keep that in mind in the future.
When the OFM stopped at the office to check for mail, Diane told us about the new coloring contest they are having for Labor Day and asked if the OFM wanted to do another coloring to put at the top of the rules page again. Sure thing the OFM replied and got the cover page and went to the Castle and colored a new page to head up the new contest for the young kids camping here. We really enjoyed the last one with a OFM coloring heading up the rules section of wall.
This afternoon Sierra was parked in the tree shade at our site with the windows down and the OFM started the engine for something and noticed the outside temperature read out showed 97F. No wonder the trails were pretty empty when we drove past them after lunch.
The OFM got a wild idea when we left Burger King from lunch and set Sierra on a path north toward Tennessee which is about 40 miles away. It was time to let Sierra have a bit of a run and it ran just fine. We feel it is a good thing to let a tow vehicle get out and run around now and then.
With all this heat outside we are getting a lot of time inside in the afternoon and most of it is spent coloring. It looks like tomorrow will be the final effort on a new way of coloring we are trying so the coloring will be ready for the blog report.
All right everyone keep cool when you are trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.