
Drug Overdose Maybe.


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Adventure Date: 12-30-2022

It has been a rough three days of feeling bad and excessively sleepy all the time. Tonight we have found the solution. When the allergies in this area get going the OFM is mutilated by them severely. He takes Loratadine tablets at 5 mg by splitting the normal 10 mg tablet in half and taking only one a day of 5 mg.

About three days ago that 5 mg dose did not quite do the job so he took the full dose to get some relief. Sure enough the allergy symptoms eased off. So he took the full size dose each of the next two mornings. Yesterday he was feeling lethargic all day. He thought maybe it was the Covid shot reacting. Then today with the full dose he was falling asleep by 0900. His covid shot location was also sore so he thought he was having trouble with the immunization.

But tonight he had to take a nap starting about 1600 and slept right through the alarm clock ringing. Now he is feeling lousy for sure and finally realized that he had this same trouble last year when we were around the Piney Woods of the country. The 10 mg dose is just too much for him. So in the morning it is back to 5 mg and hoping that is the end of the feeling bad.

We did get in a nice walk in the 68f weather and his joints lasted for about 1.7 miles today. Along the gravel trail we found another Christmas tree that had decorations.

The walking was nice but the several weeks of rain and cold keeping us off the trails certainly was missed. Now we have to work back up to the mileage we can handle comfortably.

Another thing we noticed was the lake level was being dropped rapidly from the slightly overfull it was a few days ago. We did not get the current lake level but it has to be down about four feet. We will check the official lake level in tomorrows report from the authorities. Here is a picture of what we saw today.

We have some pretty nice weather with a bit of rain now and then for the next few days so the OFM may not have a good excuse for sitting around the Castle instead of getting out for exercise and photos and trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Yup. I've had that very med backfire on me too. I take them at night....dunno if that makes any difference. Take adavantage of the good weather. We're being warmer...though drizzly today. Still, it's nice to be above freezing in the daytime. Ha.

    1. I am trying to be healthy enough to get rolling after January 7. Rockport Tx to visit old friends first and then follow the Rio Grande upstream from Falcon Lake for a bit.
