Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


The Old Dog


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 2-8-2022

Click the pic to enlarge

OK here is the next big thing to do to make life better.

Take a look at that old tired dog with the full belly laying in the spot of sunshine on a cool spring day and do everything you can to worry less than that dog.

It has been a tumultuous day of all sorts of zigz and zagz. Nothing went as planned but it all went better than was planned by a big bunch. In fact the OFM cannot recall what happened this morning. The camera had no images when we checked it a few minutes ago. So everything must have been good or better.

A little touch up work on a painting that has been waiting for completion was done and now here it is.

We hope everyone enjoys the new painting and it inspires them to get busy trying to have tooooo much fun.