Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Black Tank Trouble


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 2-7-2022

Click the pic to enlarge

We worked on a new painting sketch for a good while this morning. It is another desert area effort and will present the OFM with a couple of new challenges. Here is the sketch when it was first done.

Now all that is left is a couple of minor details.

The day was very nice but a bit brisk in the morning and the OFM did not catch a fish in the harbor area in the morning or evening. But it was fun to try. Here is a palm tree picture to show you how it actually was today.

As we were finishing lunch a strong migraine hit and stayed with us for a few hours until late evening when we went fishing. So we are missing a few hours of life during that migraine event.

Then another OOPS caught up with the Teams late late in the evening. Apparently the entrance side of the Castle's set up sank in the last two weeks and we had a “full” black tank event, but the indicator said there was plenty empty room for more stuff in the tank. A flashlight shined down the toilet showed a full tank. The OFM went out and opened the valve and a nice bunch of water and stuff ran out into the sewer. However it was not nearly a full 40 gallon tank of stuff. Back inside the view through the toilet showed plenty of stuff still in the tank.

So after a bit of checking and other guessing we put the bubble level on the Castle and sure enough the door side was a half bubble low. A simple cranking of that side up to level was all that was needed to get all the stuff gone. We had not noticed the amount of unlevel in our daily life in the Castle. Just go to show that an RV can always find something new to surprise you with.

Now we can concentrate on trying to have tooooo much fun again.


  1. Having a proper working Black Tank is part of having tooooo much fun when RVing.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Plumbing problem and migraine in the same day. Argh. By the law of averages, tomorrow ought to be better. Glad both have resolved satisfactorily.

  3. We keep a small flashlight in the bathroom of the RV just to check the condition of the black tank.
