
Rubber Boots Required


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-01-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Here was our situation before the second wave of rain for the day hit.

The water was wheel deep on the Castle when the OFM waded in the flowing water from the street to go purchase some rubber boots. He had put the new boots on at Walmart and it was a good thing because the water was a bit deeper when we returned.

We set to work getting the rig ready to roll. The OFM said he was nervous about handling the electrical box chores while standing in flood waters. But it all went well and we got rolling in about 45 minutes in a light rain.

Our distance to move during the next wave of hard rain was only about twelve miles at the most so we took our time about it. We rolled into Quiet One RV Park right around 1300, pulled into our spot #11 and got busy setting up again. No flood waters sure made set up a lot easier. Here is our site for the next month.

We are about ten minutes from the Rockport Beach and a lot of saltwater fish catching. We got in some looking around and some fishing. A trip of ten minutes got us to Walmart again for some groceries.

This was the most stressful move we have made ever with an RV. Between the storms and the flooding it was not fun at all. The good news tonight is that it appears most of the serious weather is over for a week or so. A restful night tonight should send us into a frenzy of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Geez. I am glad you did not get electrocuted.

  2. That is saying a LOT! when YOU say it was the most stressful! I am glad you got moved safely.

  3. A nice looking site. enjoy
    the Ol'Buzzard
