
Sky Exploded


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-04-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

The walk was at the Rockport Beach Park. After a bit of fishing, the OFM decided that with the nice breeze at the park we would just take off walking there. And whoosh we hit the road at a nice pace. We did not calculate the distance, jut say it was enough to finish with deep aerobic breathing and definitely tired legs.

However we did see the first of another incredibly busy day. The local high school is setting up a bonfire again this year. This area has a great area for a bonfire on the nearly an island projecting off the main part of the Beach Park. One of the park folks said the students were running behind a bit on the construction. Here is the burn pile as it was this morning.

Sure enough we had some things available to photograph and talk about including the bonfire pile.

This next picture is of an in town boondocker we have. This gentleman is in his second winter of being in the park during the day and being somewhere else in town at night. He keeps a very clean area around his rig. He purchases the Beach Park Annual pass like the OFM has. That gives him access to the park for a year for $20.

Between the shade shelters and the water is a new layer of oyster shell to help prevent erosion of the shore line. It is a yearly event to add to the shell waterfront in this part of the park. It certainly helps keep the place in nicer shape.

Then late today the OFM went over to the Market Street Pier to fish a little. It is located at the mouth of the harbor and is topped with a nice walking path on top. The OFM fished some and then the skies went nuts with wild fireworks. We had to stop fishing and pay attention to the skies for about a half hour. Here is the scene we choose to display tonight.

It was a spectacular finish to a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Awesome picture of the sky!

  2. "Spectacular" is a good word for that sunset!

  3. ooooo that is real purty as they use to say in WV. It makes one feel content to finish a day.

  4. WOW. What a wonderful photo of a fantastic sky. I'm glad you were there to see it and show us.

  5. That bonfire is going to be huge.
    The boondocker story made me think of
    Tioga George. Day camp/night camp.
