
Stoup Day


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-13-2021

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A good day for a pot of stoup. Today was sausage based. Here is the usual recipe.

Potato chopped to 1/2” cubes

Cole slaw mix



Pinto Beans


Fresh cracked black pepper

The OFM used a 2 liter pot with lid to prepare this batch. The quantity of each ingredient is up to the cook and pot size.

The ingredients were mixed in the pot and water to cover them was added. Bring to a boil for a minute or so. Reduce heat to simmer for 20 minutes. This is very similar to poaching processes. After the preparation is complete and the cooking finished, we let it cool down a good bit then package it to the size that fits our needs. One container in the refrigerator and the rest put in one serving containers and frozen for later enjoyment.

A meander down to the beach park beach found that one of the shade providers was getting washed out of the sand. As a matter of fact there has been about ten feet of beach washed into the bay from last year.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the repair efforts for the beach.

It has been a very windy day today. The seagulls have been griping about how the wind is blowing their feathers off their bodies all day. The wind has been whipping the water into a frenzy all day and blowing it onto the parking lot. Most of us know not to drive in that water since it is pure salt water that will rust out your vehicle.

But the best part was the trip for supper to the Vallarta Mexican food restaurant and a plate of delicious chicken tacos with beans and rice of course. Sweet tea to wash it down. And that is a wonderful way to end a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Every day the question is: what to eat today. Soup sounds great. This is definitely the season for soups.
    the Ol'Buzzard
