
First Cast


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-07-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Our two mile morning walk was the road inside the beach park. We got extra exercise swapping thousands of mosquitoes while walking. Most folks walk down the middle of the road to be as far from the grass areas since that is the main mosquito supply area in the park.

The hope had been that there would be enough wind to blow the blood suckers away but it was only a gentle breeze.

At the end of the road in the picture above you can see a few of the tents being set up while we walked. Here is a closer picture of the chaos while the vendor tents are getting filled with junk for folks to purchase while at “Sea Fair”.

While we paused for a minute at a beach building for a rest/mosquito break, this scene happened right out front for our joy.

It was a quiet day at the beach until after about 1500 when the vendors and others started arriving for the big opening tomorrow. Basically the whole harbor area including the beach park will be off limits to the OFM Teams due to all the excessive crowd. Monday it will be available again.

We had chicken tacos again at our favorite restaurant for lunch. Then we meandered next door to Tackle Town to look at some fishing rods. We had only one and thought that a spare would be a good idea when we head to other fishing locations around here for a day trip. A choice was made and out the door we went.

Back at the Castle the rod was rigged with one of the spare reels and a fish measuring ruler to keep us legal. Out the door we headed to the harbor area to try out the set up and tune it if needed. When the OFM walked to the bulkhead and cast out, the lure was immediately hit by a nice speckled trout of 16.5 inches and fairly fat. That was a great surprise.

Of course that was the only thing caught in the next hour of fishing. But we were very happy about the performance of the new rig.

Over all it was another great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. A great view, thank you for sharing it. Nice fish too, it's always fun to see what you catch.
