
Wobble Walk


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-29-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Morning found the OFM with a warm head and a warm dog bite area. More antibiotic was applied to the bite location and a bit of inflammation relief drug was taken. From this point on the wound area has gotten better all day.

Since the OFM was not walking well but wobbling rather well, we chose to wobble down at the beach park this morning. The wind was about 20+ mph so mosquitoes were not a bother.

Speed of the walking was not fast due to some aches so we moved over to the channel ”dike” to meander and wobble out it at a slow pace.

Usually most folks try to walk this way to fast but fast was not in the OFM ability this morning so it made a nice wobble along in the cool wind. The walking is treacherous so a slower pace is the best pace. Usually we will have a fishing rod and lure with us but today we took a camera to find flowers. Nope no flower pictures came home with us. But we did get a close picture of this very colorful succulent of some sort. It was actually much brighter to the point of glowing in the morning sunlight.

That was all we got for pictures this morning. A couple of very fuzzy ones were in the camera from the afternoon non-adventures and now reside in DELETE world.

On the way back to Sierra we ran into old friend Mac from New Mexico and we chatted about things for over an hour. It was a pleasant time there next to the water with a cool breeze keeping the mosquitoes at bay.

The bite spot looks very good this evening and does not even have any redness to it at all.

We know for certain now that having a dog bite make the turn to full healing is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I would say you had some good photos from the morning, not just "all we had." Glad to hear your dogbite is better. Sheesh.

  2. You realy should see a doctor and follow up on that dog bite. Rabies is not a pleasent way to go - nor is an infection from an animal bite.
    the Ol'Buzzard
