
Big Ugly


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-23-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

Our after Rockport plans got blown to smithereens this morning. The RV park in Del Rio we planned to spend a month or so in has been sold and closed now. It is the only RV park with services we stayed in out there in the past. Now we have to rework our winter and spring plans to see what we can come up with. Broke Mill Rv Park was a first class competitively priced campground we really liked. The other campgrounds in Del Rio are definitely at least second best in our opinion.

The Amistad NRA boondocking campgrounds are still open for use and are pretty good for sure. We have used them for camping several times for one to two months at a time.

Onward to Rockport reports. We wondered what this fellow had on the line while he was fighting the fish. Form the bend in his heavy pole we knew it would be a fair sized catch. And it was.

The OFM fishing equipment will not handle a fish that large. We shot the picture with zoom but guess the fish to be in the twenty pound range. It is a large black drum also known as a Big Ugly. And yes they are decent eating.

We circled back by the harbor to see what was going on and found this work barge and tug at work pulling old pilings out of the water.

It is probably a continuation of the rework that was going on the last time we were in the area. And nope we do not know what the plans are for the future here.

This is what the folks who feed the birds do. They park and either get out like this lady or sit in the vehicle and throw edibles to the birds. As the birds crowd the folks, the folks tend to retreat into the vehicle and throw food out the windows. We have seen the birds get excited enough to try to enter the vehicle even while a person sits at the window. The birds like the free easy food and get very aggressive about going after it. Thus our recommendation to not leave windows down when you are not in the vehicle while around seagulls.

We had a good afternoon at the community park taking pictures of natural things in general. We gathered a lot of pictures for our our art references files to help the OFM do better with his drawing.

This bench pic is taken nearly every year and shown so our readers show how nice it can be just five blocks from the beach sand. We have sat on that bench several times in the last fourteen years when the old body needed rest during a walk or meander. It makes a great respite location when out walking trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Looks like a big catfish.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. That would be possible if it was fresh water around here instead of tidal saltwater.
