
Parking In The Middle Of The Highway


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 10-09-2021

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How about a look at the traffic parking situation at Sea Fair today? Since the harbor parking is full of vendor vehicles, the esplanade in the middle of Texas Highway 35 going through Rockport is used as the visitors parking. We passed through it once with camera in wiggly hand to grab a few shots. The OFM is definitely not a good one hand picture taker especially while driving . These pictures were taken about 1000 in the morning.

Here we are approaching where highway 35 splits and has a flood control area in the middle of the road for awhile. This is the area where lots of the visitors are parked to attend the Sea Fair.

As you can see the parking is very close to Highway 35. Imagine the fun of having a few smaller kids along and corralling them to keep them safe next to the highway.

It is a sharp turn off of Highway 35 to get into the entrance to the fair fenced off vendor section.

To the best of the OFM eyes it looked like the nearby beach park was also packed to the extreme limits. We tried to grab a picture of the beach park full of vehicles and people but somebody wiggled way too much for the shot to be used.

What did we do? We went by the back way to the fishing spot in yesterdays blog to fine tune our two fishing rods. It was very successful and both of them are really nice to use now. Look out fish, the OFM Fishing Team is on the prowl again and thinks catching fish and throwing them back in is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Look up "Boondocking with Dennis" on Youtube. He boondocks in his Ford F150 and spends all his time in the Rockport area. He seems to have a good attitude and might give you some more good info on Rockport. You probably pass each other as he always shoots the sunset from the Rockport beach park.

    Keep Blogging! Love reading up on your adventures.

    1. Thank you. Dennis and I have been friends for a couple of years and also met up in other parts of Texas he visits.

    2. That is awesome! Thanks so much for the reply!
