
Rockport Tx Beach Picture


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 9-28-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

It was a good start on today's rolling effort. To our surprise EVERYTHING went well for the whole 4.5 hours of rolling. No significant stupid drivers or other highway type nonsense happened. It made for some nicely comfortable highway time.

On arriving at Goose Island State Park, we had a very quick check in and were on our way to the site we had chosen.

Then of all the wild things to happen, the OFM nailed the backing into a tight spot ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT. Major accidents like that are awesome.

It is not the best site in the park but it will do for the three nights we are here. However it has a large abundance of hungry mosquitoes in residence.

The Teams mentioned to the OFM it was after lunch time so we headed into Rockport for some good Mexican food. Make no mistake it was excellent. Yep he gorged himself and you know who “he” is.

But then we went touring the area. We are here to try to help decide if we will return in cooler weather instead of this 90+F we have now. The storms damages reported on the internet about this area from the storms were very much exaggerated. Talking with a couple of locals we know verified what it seemed like I was seeing was the real story. No significant damage happened except some minor stree flooding.

Next was a loop by the harbor and beach to see how that was getting by. The OFM cast a lure a few times and had one hit. Then we looped over to the beach for this nice picture of the day.

On into the beach park to the far end showed no other special damage. Even the old wood pier was doing just fine.

By now it was early evening and we headed back to the Castle just ahead of some sort of thunderstorms. This is picture of the leading edge of one of the storms. That is a goofy looking storm cloud.

We plan to get Sierra inspected tomorrow and roam a bit more of the area to gather information to make a decision where to go when we roll next Friday. More places for trying to have tooooo much fun would be a good place to meander toward don't you think.


  1. Hello Barney. It makes me happy seeing you back on the coast. If you're still looking for places to go, there are about 50 Corps of Engineer Campgrounds between San Antonio and Dallas. With the senior pass, they are cheaper than the State Parks. Short tows between campgrounds and enough to keep you busy until you decide where you're going to spend the winter. Be safe out there.

    1. Thank you Darrell. I visited lots of the COE parks during my married life and they all were very nice.

  2. We need the rain but hope the weather is good down there for your stay. It's been real nice this week. Donner and blitzen in SA right now.

  3. It's good to see you back in Rockport!

  4. Aha. You are back in some place I know. Glad to hear they didn't have much damage down there. Enjoy.
