
Regressive Behavior


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 8/31/2021

Click the pic to enlarge

Rolling Date: 9-10-2021

It was a light rain when the OFM came to his senses and rolled out of bed to attack the day. But the day proved to wet to get out and attack it. So we spent the day indoors listening to the light rain and wondering if anything was flooding.

Finally on the way back from Baked Potato Day at Lawler's we turned into the water park area to check the lake level. Apparently the authorities had let the lake down a bit earlier because the lake was about six inches below the full mark. That was good to see. The rain from whats left of the hurricane that destroyed New Orleans has been light if steady until about 1800 tonight.

The OFM even managed to sneak in about a half mile of walking in the afternoon. It was wonderful.

So what did the Teams do all day? They played at learning or at least trying to learn some more art stuff. But along about 1600 the OFM sat back and did some serious thinking. All this work of getting ready to do the coloring is not what he enjoys anymore. He decided he had had enough of of the drawing type of effort during his twenty years as a manual draftsman in his first working years before computers took over from drafting boards.

He likes the coloring and final detailing of the art work. Just from curiosity he got on the computer and did some searching and found that an artist that does what he likes to do is usually called a “colorist”. According to the dictionary on the website we found here is the definition of colorist,


an artist who uses color skillfully.

An artist who emphasizes color relationships in a work of art.

So we are going back to the fun part of art that we enjoyed so much for a few years in the recent past. Now we will not have the headache of having to do a part of art that we do not prefer to do. Ah the retired life again sounds wonderful. It will also give The Teams considerably more time for adventures and photography. Which also leads to more time for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Are you going to be using adult coloring books? I really enjoy them. I wanted to tell you that it was you that motivated me to buy some. I like the relationship of colors to each other, and it's fun to try different combinations.

    1. A big chunk will be coloring books. Dover Books also sends out lots of free images to print out to use. Then last weekend I gave each of the grands a new coloring book. My grand daughter's book on Unicorns looked like fun in it. I also have no inhibition to tracing legal images from my computer screen either. Then there is my pictures that can be transferred to good coloring paper like Strathmore colored pencil paper. Recently I picked up some transfer paper and tried it out. It was a great success. So there is lots of available fun just waiting. I have found I much prefer Prismacolor pencils. Rubbing alcohol is my blending medium.

    2. I have yet to try blending colors or using a blending medium. I have the Prismacolor pencils as well as some Ohuhu brush markers.

    3. Try the 91% alcohol from Walmart. It dries quicker than the other ways of wet blending. It does not work well in a water brush. Mostly I use the alcohol to get rid of the white spots so I do not have to press hard on the pencil and squash the paper.

  2. I am happy you had that breakthrough moment and will now have more time to do what you enjoy as a colorist. :)

    1. And I can do coloring using a clipboard nearly anywhere but drawing/sketching I seemed to need a table to work well.

  3. Figuring out how to do just the fun parts of anything is well worth it. As I child, I used to take the burnt sienna crayon and go through a coloring book coloring just the animals. :)

  4. Sigh. Well, if you don't like it, don't do it, but you do draw a beautiful line.
