
Colored Sketches


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 8/14/2021

Click the pic to enlarge

Maybe Rolling Date: 9-7-21

Today was a bit different in that we did not even try to take a walk in the heat of the morning. We did get a great start on some Walmart time and successful shopping. The rest of the day was spent on inside things where the A/C did a wonderful job.

The most important thing we did was start to develop a new painting for fun and excitement. In our case that involves making colored sketches of concepts until we choose one to attempt as a full painting. The three concepts we came up with are below.

The next effort is to develop another sketch that might lead into the real painting. It does take a good while to get these paintings up and going.

Checking the weather predictions and the weather history for west of here, we feel that the estimated rolling date has a good chance of being a valid date of rolling. And the Teams are very ready to scratch those itching tires. We will have been here over six months by then. Yep we need some new territory for trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. OK! This is going to be interesting. I always like to see how people come up with their paintings. Looking forward to more....
