
Disaster Painting


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 8/24/2021

Click the pic to enlarge

The OFM had a very bad night of PTSD dreams last night when he did manage to get to sleep. Needless to say he has been less than spectacular today. We did get over to the grocery store for more food supplies. He also managed to make four meals worth of pork chop stoup so he will not starve soon. But mostly it has been a very hot humid and still day. We did not even begin to attempt a walk in this weather.

The good news is that Texas and New Mexico seem to be making progress on the Covid plans. We hope that within the next couple of days they will publish what they have decided. Then we can make a plan.

In the interest in being restful today, the OFM spent more time arting around on an experimental painting using Neocolor II water soluble crayons and paper intended for dry colored pencils and not water media art products. Along about 1900 tonight, after a week of effort, the OFM declared the educational experiment complete. The answer is NO, we cannot use water media on paper made for dry applications.

As you can see we did get color spread on the paper. The wet wrinkling was pretty bad in spite of the technique we read about on the Internet. It was virtually impossible to control the color saturation. The paper, even using dry brush techniques, was like painting a sponge. So this painting named Disaster, has been a wonderful experiment and is a great learning lesson for the OFM Art Team.

It also proved to the Teams that even when painting a Disaster, a person can successfully try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Can't see the wrinkles from here...so Disaster looks interesting. The drawing is very good, it will redeem anything. You are a good drawer. And composer.
    Hope you have a better night where old things don't come up and bite you.

  2. PS. I'm not sure what you mean about TX covid plans. Are there any???? Well, whatever. I live here but I dunno.

    1. Yes there still are Covid plans for Tex. As a traveling RVer I have to pay attention to when the governments shut/open areas I might have planned to be visiting.

  3. The red looks different...not brighter, deeper? I don't know it but it got my attention.

    1. It is very uneven in tint due to the paper being non-uniform absorbent for one thing.

  4. Yeah that ol water wrinkling the paper is my problem too.
    Have you ever watched Frank Clarke do his magic? (PBS maybe on YT now) He would use a hair dryer to quickly dry the paint. His one color painting is pretty cool. I also like his easy people painting.
    My water color is mostly painting gift cards/tags. Small so harder to mess up.
    Nice experimenting effort. I say it's a success.

  5. Why am I talking about your photo at the top rather than your paintings? Well I don't know anything about painting, but actually, doesn't that photo look like a certain impressionistic painter's work? Was fun to look at!

  6. You might be interested in this new treatment for PTSD: https://replica.startribune.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=e16d38fb-8f90-4c8a-ba65-55bb8fb00d4d
