

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 8-24-2020

Click the Pic to enlarge

1. It seemed like an ordinary morning. 

2. Get up.

3. Meander into the bathroom and look at name on mirror to find out who I am. This no memory mess is tiresome.

4. Eat breakfast.

5. Get dressed for walk including water bottle.

6. Take Sierra to Spur 454 for nice mundane walk.

We got Sierra parked at the boat ramp and headed out on this beautiful morning.  The body was a bit stiff at first but we soon “got into the stride” of things. Up over the first hill and down into the valley. So far so good. Nothing special but nice anyway.

THEN there was the KITTY about a hundred feet out in the valley grass. The OFM was so excited he could not hold the camera still.  Several pictures were taken and the kitty and the OFM looked at each other for a few seconds. Then we got on with the walk.

Up the next hill and down to the bottom to turn around and start back. The OFM was still excited to see the KITTY again.  We were having a nice walk again when we topped the hill to see the KITTY crossing the road down in the valley!

So the OFM took a couple of long zoom shots that were too fuzzy.  So it was just a nice walk back down to the first valley thinking how lucky he was to have seen the illusive KITTY twice now.

As we walked along the valley low point, WHAT IS THAT?  It is the KITTY near the road. WOW but it will likely run away pretty quick.

Talk about good luck. The KITTY just hunkered down to hide in the grass near the road.

The camera was put to work.  Then we walked gently closer along the road. The KITTY hunkered down some more. Then we were about fifty feet away is all and stopped to admire the KITTY.

We took a few more pictures that were shaky again but got this one that was pretty decent.

And the KITTY seemed to be enjoying being admired.  The OFM even enlarged the  picture to show the head of the KITTY even better.

Then we moved on down the road and left the KITTY to find breakfast and have a fine day.

When we came back by in Sierra the KITTY was gone, so Sierra had to take our work the KITTY had been there. This certainly put a lot into the FUN part of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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