
Boring Trailheads

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 8-7-2020

Click the Pic to enlarge

There was no hopping out of bed this morning. Every joint in the OFM had an ache or five in them. Apparently no serious damage was done in the fall yesterday but the OFM joints definitely let him know two things.

1. Today you will be taking Ibuprofen in normal doses to help us.

2. Don’t be doing fool things like messing around on loose rocks or we will HURT you bad next time.

YES SIR the OFM replied. And by the time we are writing the blog post the joints have quit complaining and it is wonderful.

OK now let us talk trail heads. There has been some folks tell us about trails they passed up because they did not look exciting at the trail head. Having walked/ day hiked hundreds of trails in the USA and South Viet Nam, the OFM knows that the beginning of a trail is usually no indication of how neat an adventure it can be.

To show you what we mean we have a photo of the start of four trails here in the Amistad NRA that have starred many times in this blog. They all have great vistas and experiences to give the walker a thrill. and when the wild flowers, both cacti and succulent as well as other flowers are blooming all four of these are incredible experiences.

The first trail head is the Nature Trail at Diablo East. If it wasn’t for the sign lots of folks would miss the entry. This is the trail where the OFM Teams have photographed dozens of flowers and other scenes this summer.

Next are the three trail heads for a looping around trail with three entry points that runs along a canyon allowing huge opportunity for great viewing and enjoyment. Probably this year we have posted at least fifty pictures of scenes from this trail. The trailheads do not look Disney style exciting so folks don’t come look to see what is here.

None of these trail heads looks exciting which means normally very few other folks show up on the trails.

We have found this symptom to hold true in major advertised Federal Parks all over the west like Yellowstone, Arches, Capital Reef in particular and even Mount Rainier. So please do your self a favor and go take a look for yourself. Don’t forget your water and camera, you will want both while you are out trying to have tooooo much fun on a trail.

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